É com alegria que anuncio a disponibilização da minha música Duas Peças Brasileiras, dedicada ao grande concertista espanhol Gabriel Estarellas. Esta obra está dividida em dois movimentos:
I. BrasíliaII. Rio de Janeiro
Esta obra faz parte do projeto Guitarra Latinoamericana (RYCY Productions Inc.), o qual contempla um CD e partituras. O projeto foi editado nos EUA e conta com a produção do músico cubano Yalil Guerra (vencedor de Grammy Latino).
É possível adquirir a partitura por meio deste link:
Ouça trechos de Duas Peças Brasileiras bem como outras peças que compõem o referido projeto pelo sítio CD baby:
http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/gabrielestarellas4Lindo vídeo sobre as diretrizes do projeto envolvendo os compositores:
Um pouco mais sobre o projeto em tela neste blog:
No dia 1 de fevereiro, Estarellas tocará as obras na Fundação Juan March (Madrid):
Abraços musicais,
Estarellas en la Fundación Juan March (Madrid):
“The classical guitar is undoubtedly one of the most popular instruments XX and XXI century. Despite this undoubted fact, still has very little original repertoire when compared with other more popular as the piano, violin or flute.
ResponderExcluirThe technical difficulty of writing that characterizes this stringed instrument with six strings, makes many feel intimidated composers to write for him, because if not know their strengths and limitations, composing for the same can become a complex and tedious art. It is vital that the creators of this century involved in the intricacies of this instrument well known for over its wealth, expression, timbre and nearly infinite possibilities.
American Guitar is an album which has been written entirely by guitarists, which fully know the instrument and play it in their professional journal. This caught my attention and was a factor Milestones to get involved in this project. The composers have several Latin American countries, all with successful careers alive and has been of great importance and they have cooperated to translate their aesthetic and creative vision in the production of this album.
The interpretative versatility Estarellas teacher has been the highest level. The melodic sweetness, the precise rhythmic and knowledge highlight autochthonous values of each composer through his creative flow, have made this new production a jewel of the XXI century guitar stay well recorded in history as a reference point for future generations of guitarists and composers.
American Guitar brings together composers such as (In order of appearance on the album): Jalil Guerra (Cuba), Fabriano Borges (Brazil), Eduardo Martin (Cuba), Jorge Herrera Santander (Peru), Joaquin Riano (Colombia), Carlos Atilano (Venezuela), Beno Belduma (Ecuador), Fernando Ruiz Arduz (Bolivia) and Jorge Vega Ugaz (Peru).
Yalil Guerra
Burbank, California
June 2013